
Analyzed coins Analysis

Analyzed coins

Coin catalogue sections: Aphrodisias
Coin corpus datasets: Aphrodisias, Staters;
Aphrodisias, Obols

The numbers of analysed coins are given in Table 1. Those coins that are listed in the coin corpus without weights or that are marked there as too corroded or damaged are excluded from the analysis.

Corpus Number of coins as of 3 January 2025
Total Excluded Analyzed
Aphrodisias, Staters, staters 5 5
Aphrodisias, Obols, staters 21 21

Table 1: Numbers of analyzed coins


Descriptive statistics of staters and obols are presented in Table 2. Figure 1 shows the relative frequencies of the weights of staters against the left axis (ranging from 9.85 to 10.00 g in increments of 0.05 g) and their cumulative distribution against the right axis. Figure 2 shows the relative frequencies of the weights of obols (ranging from 0.40 to 0.85 g in increments of 0.05 g) and their cumulative distribution against the right axis. The single specimen of Type 2a is characterized by a very low weight of 0.40 g and is therefore not included in the histogram and in the cumulative distribution. Its weight is represented by the red circle on the horizontal axis.

Statistics Staters Obols
Number of coins: 5 21
Mean: 9.94 0.63
Standard deviation: 0.05 0.10
Interquartile range: 0.09 0.13
Skewness: 0.00 -0.10
Kurtosis: 1.43 2.95
Minimum: 9.88 0.40
25th percentile: 9.90 0.58
Median: 9.94 0.63
75th percentile: 9.98 0.71
Maximum: 10.00 0.83

Table 2: Descriptive statistics

Figure 1: Staters, relative frequency histogram and cumulative distribution

Figure 1: Staters, relative frequency histogram and cumulative distribution

Figure 2: Obols, relative frequency histogram

Figure 2: Obols, relative frequency histogram and cumulative distribution


27 October 2024 – 3 January 2025