This small collection contains mainly coins of Cilicia Trachea from its beginnings to the end of the 4th century BC. All these coins were acquired legally and in good faith. I feel I am only their custodian and I want to pass them on to future generations in the same condition in which I acquired them. Therefore, each coin, regardless of its rarity or market price, is properly stored in museum-quality conditions.
I also believe that as many ancient coins as possible should be available to the numismatic public and other interested parties for study purposes. Therefore, for each coin I give its metrological characteristics and its full description, including notes and comments if necessary. For each coin there is also a link to the corresponding type in the Coin Catalogue, which provides references to published examples of that type. If I am wrong in the identification of the coins or their description, please let me know.
Photos of coins from my collection may be freely used if the source is credited. For each coin, there is a “Detail” button, clicking on which expands a table with information about the coin.
Mints represented in the collection: