The purpose of this coin corpus is to provide representative data samples for weight and die-link analyses, not a database of all known specimens. Therefore, with the exception of rare types and variants, the presented datasets do not include coins that are excessively worn, excessively corroded, incomplete (i.e. clipped coins or coins with a missing broken off part), of unknown weight or, in the case of silver fractions, with weights reported only in tenths of a gram. Individual mints and stages of their coin production are gradually being added, and existing data sets are gradually being increased.
Explanatory notes to presented data tables:
- Within each coin type, or within each variant of each coin type, the coins are arranged in ascending order of weight.
- If a variant cannot be safely identified for a coin within the relevant type, the dash ‘–’ is given instead of the letter indicating the variant.
- If a coin is listed in more than one source, the weight from the most recent source is listed here unless otherwise stated.
- Anemourion
- Aphrodisias
- Holmoi
- Kelenderis
- Nagidos
- Pseudo-Kelenderis mints
- Mints outside Cilicia Trachea