Silver fractions

Obols Hemiobols Tetartemorions


Nagidos, Type 5.1a
Nagidos, Type 5.1b
Nagidos, Type 5.1c
Nagidos, Type 5.1d
Type 5.1
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite left, hair in sphendone; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos left; inscription in left field; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: Dionysos’ hair in curls on forehead and bound with taenia; in left field, NAΓIΔI
b. rev.: Dionysos’ hair rolled; in left field, NAΓI
c. rev.: Dionysos’ hair rolled; in left field, NAΓ
d. rev.: Dionysos’ hair bound with taenia; in left field, NAΓIΔI retrograde
References: a. SNG France 2, 6, 7 (= SNG Delep., 2857), 8 (= SNG Delep., 2858) and 9; BMC 21, p. 110, 7 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.29; SNG von Aulock, 5751; several specimens on the market, e.g. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 20 (3 October 2021), Lot 193 ( URL)
b. BMC 21, p. 110, 8 = The British Museum (London), museum number HPB,p132.1.E; Forrer/Weber 3, 7580; several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 123 (9 May 2021), Lot 788 ( URL)
c. Göktürk 2000, 3
d. SNG France 2, 10
Connection: Type 6.1 (hemiobol)
Credit (see the references above):
a. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b85328290
b. Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG
d. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b85328312


Nagidos, Type 5.2
Type 5.2
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite left, hair in sphendone, necklace on the neck; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos right; in right field, NAΓI.
References: The British Museum (London), museum number 1922,0425.79; Forrer/Weber 3, 7578; several specimens on the market, e.g. H. D. Rauch GmbH, E-Auction 31 (11 September 2019), Lot 96 ( URL)
Credit: H. D. Rauch GmbH (see the reference above)


Nagidos, Type 5.3a
Nagidos, Type 5.3b
Nagidos, Type 5.3c
Type 5.3
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite right, hair in sphendone, necklace on the neck; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos left; inscription in left field; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: in left field, NAΓI
b. rev.: in left field, NA
c. rev.: anepigraphic
References: a. SNG France 2, 13
b. Nomos AG, Obolos Webauction 33 (11 September 2024), Lot 561 ( URL)
c. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 385 (26 October 2016), Lot 270 ( URL)
Connection: Type 6.2 (hemiobol)
Credit (see the references above):
a. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8532833w
b. Nomos AG
c. Classical Numismatic Group


Nagidos, Type 5.4
Type 5.4
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite right, hair in sphendone; in lower left field, N; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos left; in left field, N; dotted border.
References: Göktürk 2000, 1; several specimens on the market, e.g. Savoca Coins, 5th Blue Auction (24 February 2018), Lot 586 ( URL)
Credit: Savoca Coins (see the reference above)


Nagidos, Type 5.5a
Nagidos, Type 5.5b
Type 5.5
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite right, hair in sphendone, decorated with earring and necklace; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos right; in left or right field, NAΓIΔEΩN.
Variants: a. rev.: in left field, NAΓIΔEΩN
b. rev.: in right field, NAΓIΔEΩN
References: a. SNG Copenhagen 33, 177 (ethnic off flan); several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 159 (8 December 2014), Lot 254 ( URL)
b. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Emporium Hamburg, e-Auction 516 (13 March 2015), Lot 10 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Numismatik Lanz München
b. Emporium Hamburg


Nagidos, Type 5.6a
Nagidos, Type 5.6b
Nagidos, Type 5.6c
Nagidos, Type 5.6d
Type 5.6
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite right, hair in sphendone, sometimes decorated with earring and necklace; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos right; dotted border.
Variants: a. obv.: no decoration of Aphrodite; in lower left field, N (sometimes retrograde);
rev.: anepigraphic
b. obv.: no decoration of Aphrodite; in lower left field, N;
rev.: in right field, N
c. obv.: Aphrodite decorated with earring and necklace;
rev.: N-A (left field – lower right field)
d. obv.: Aphrodite decorated with earring and necklace;
rev.: right field, NAΓI
References: a. BMC 21, p. 111, 10 (N retrograte) = The British Museum (London), museum number RPK,p162B.1.Mar; SNG Copenhagen 33, 176; Klein 1999, p. 79, no. 670; SNG Berry 2, 1277 (N on the obverse described as ligature AI); several specimens on the market, e.g. Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 4 (24 June 2018), Lot 336 ( URL)
b. SNG France 2, 14 and 15; Forrer/Weber 3, 7579; SNG Berry 2, 1278 (N on the obverse described as ligature AI); several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 74 (20 August 2020), Lot 638 ( URL); Coll. P. Veselý, NAG-AR-02
c. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 6 (20 November 2016), Lot 573 ( URL)
d. BMC 21, p. 111, 9 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1878,0301.300; SNG Levante, 3; SNG von Aulock, 5750; several specimens on the market, e.g. Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 19 (26 February 2022), Lot 1500 ( URL
Credit (see the references above):
a. Leu Numismatik
b. Roma Numismatics Limited
c. Nomos AG
d. Leu Numismatik


Nagidos, Type 5.7a
Nagidos, Type 5.7b
Type 5.7
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite facing slightly right; dotted border.
Reverse: Wreathed head of young Dionysos facing slightly left; dotted border.
Variants: a. obv.: in left field, N;
rev.: in left field, N
b. obv.: no letter;
rev.: in left field, N
References: a. SNG Levante, 6; Göktürk 2000, 2; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 90 (23 May 2012), Lot 644 ( URL)
b. Several specimens on the market, e.g. N&N London Ltd, Online Auction 39 (4 November 2023), Lot 98 ( URL); Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 122 (10 March 2003), Lot 1491 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Classical Numismatic Group
b. N&N London Ltd


Nagidos, Type 5.8
Type 5.8
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Pan right; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos right; in right field, NAΓI; dotted border.
References: SNG France 2, 16, 17 and 18; SNG Levante, 4–5; Göktürk 2000, 4; Klein 1999, p. 79, no. 669; SNG Berry 2, 1279 (the inscription mostly off flan); several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 87 (18 May 2011), Lot 595 ( URL); Coll. P. Veselý, NAG-AR-01
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group (see the reference above)


Nagidos, Type 5.9a
Nagidos, Type 5.9b
Nagidos, Type 5.9c
Nagidos, Type 5.9d
Type 5.9
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Pan right; dotted border.
Reverse: Amphora; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: NAΓIΔ–IKON clockwise around amphora (the ending letter N retrograde)
b. rev.: in right field, NAΓI
c. rev.: in right field, NA
d. rev.: anepigraphic
References: a. SNG von Aulock, 5752 = Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 26 (21 May 2023), Lot 509 ( URL); BMC 21, p. 110, 7 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1892,1205.16; several other specimens on the market, e.g. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 19 (8 May 2021), Lot 412 ( URL)
b. SNG Berry 2, 1276; iBelgica Maison de Vente SNC, Auction held 27 March 2019, Lot 142 (Millenium State URL); Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd, Auction 34 (13 October 2003), Lot 203 ( URL)
c. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 520 (20 July 2022), Lot 147 ( URL)
d. SNG Levante Supp., 9
Credit (see the references above):
a. Nomos AG
b. iBelgica Maison de Vente SNC
c. Classical Numismatic Group


Nagidos, Type 5.10
Type 5.10
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Bearded head of Dionysos left; dotted border.
Reverse: Amphora; in right and left field, NAΓI-ΔEΩN; all within circular incuse.
References: Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 20 (3 October 2021), Lot 191 ( URL)
Credit: Nomos AG (see the reference above)


Nagidos, Type 5.11a
Nagidos, Type 5.11b
Nagidos, Type 5.11c
Nagidos, Type 5.11d
Nagidos, Type 5.11e
Nagidos, Type 5.11f
Nagidos, Type 5.11g
Type 5.11
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Amphora; dotted border.
Reverse: Kantharos; sometimes inscription; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: ivy leaf attached to the left handle of amphora;
rev.: in right and left field, NAΓI-ΔEΩN
b. obv.: ivy leaf attached to the left handle of amphora;
rev.: in right field, NA
c. obv.: ivy leaf attached to the left handle of amphora;
rev.: in left field, NA retrograde
d. obv.: ivy leaf attached to the left handle of amphora;
rev.: anepigraphic
e. obv.: no ivy leaf;
rev.: retrograde anticlockwise around kantharos, N-A-Γ-I
f. obv.: no ivy leaf;
rev.: in lower right field, NAΓI
g. obv.: no ivy leaf;
rev.: anepigraphic
References: a. SNG France 2, 19
b. N&N London Ltd, Online Auction 20 (29 July 2023), Lot 67 ( URL)
c. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 142 (10 October 2005), Lot 1602 ( URL)
d. Klein 1999, p. 80, no. 671 (Klein’s description gives the inscription [NAΓ]I and this reading cannot be ruled out, but the short line at four o’clock is probably a die defect) = Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 404 (23 August 2017), Lot 274 ( URL)
e. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 20 (3 October 2021), Lot 197 ( URL)
f. SNG Berry 2, 1280; several specimens on the market, e.g. Heritage Auctions, Inc., Auction 232118 (5 May 2021), Lot 61162 ( URL)
g. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 19 (26 February 2022), Lot 1495 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8532838z
b. N&N London Ltd
c. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung
d. Classical Numismatic Group
e. Nomos AG
f. Heritage Auctions, Inc.
g. Leu Numismatik
Remark: The reverse of the cited specimen of the variant 5.11d is die linked with some coins of the variant 5.11g, e.g. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 20 (3 October 2021), Lot 199 ( URL); Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 195 (10 September 2008), Lot 79 ( URL).


Nagidos, Type 5.12
Type 5.12
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Baal seated on the throne left, holding lotus-tipped sceptre; dotted border.
Reverse: Turreted head of Tyche left, wearing earring and necklace; in the fields, N – A.
References: Göktürk 2000, 5; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 547 (4 October 2023), Lot 289 ( URL)
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group (see the reference above)



Nagidos, Type 6.1
Type 6.1
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite left, hair in sphendone; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos left; in left field, NAΓI; all within circular incuse.
References: SNG France 2, 12 = SNG Delep., 2859; Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 565 (3 July 2024), Lot 1052 ( URL)
Connection: Type 5.1 (obol)
Credit: The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8501801s
Remark: The abbreviated city ethnic NAΓI is not clearly visible on the specimen in SNG France 2, but it is clearly visible on the coin sold by Classical Numismatic Group.


Nagidos, Type 6.2
Type 6.2
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite right, hair in sphendone, necklace on the neck; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded head of Dionysos left; all within circular incuse.
References: Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, eLive Auction 65 (23 February 2021), Lot 7040 ( URL)
Connection: Type 5.3 (obol)
Credit: Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG (see the reference above)



Nagidos, Type 7.1
Type 7.1
Denomination: AR Tetartemorion
Obverse: Head of Aphrodite right, hair bound in sphendone; dotted border.
Reverse: Human torso; around, N – AΓ – I.
References: SNG Levante Supp., 3 = Classical Numismatic Group, Triton VII (12 January 2004), Lot 305 ( URL)
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group (see the reference above)


16 January 2022 – 16 February 2025