

Kelenderis, Type 6.1a
Kelenderis, Type 6.1b
Kelenderis, Type 6.1c
Kelenderis, Type 6.1d
Kelenderis, Type 6.1e
Kelenderis, Type 6.1f
Type 6.1
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Forepart of unbridled rearing Pegasus; dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of kneeling male goat, head turned back; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to left
b. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, K
c. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KE
d. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KEΛ
e. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to left; on the right around goat, K–E–Λ (or perhaps K–Λ)
f. obv.: Pegasus to right; below, uncertain object (?);
rev.: goat to right
References: a. Bay Numismatics B.V (Schiedam, Netherlands), Online Auction 10 (26 January 2025), Lot 117 (acsearch.info URL)
b. Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-12
c. SNG Berry 2, 1266; several specimens on the market, e.g. Bucephalus Numismatic GmbH, Black Auction 20 (25 May 2023), Lot 520 (acsearch.info URL)
d. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH, Auction 30 (28 May 2009), Lot 664 (acsearch.info URL); N&N London Ltd, Online Auction 11 (14 January 2023), Lot 186 (acsearch.info URL)
e. Rex Numismatics B.V., E-Rex Duo Auction 12 (20–21 July 2024), Lots 919 (biddr.com URL) and 920 (biddr.com URL)
f. Klein 1999, p. 79, no. 661
Connection: Type 5.2 (obols, similar design)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Bay Numismatics B.V
b. P. Veselý
c. Bucephalus Numismatic GmbH
d. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH
e. Rex Numismatics B.V.
Remarks: (1) The letter E is missing on both cited specimens of variant 6.1e, and it is not clear whether it is off flan, or whether the city ethnic was non-standardly abbreviated to KΛ.
(2) It is not clear from the photo of the cited specimen of variant 6.1f in Klein 1999 whether there is an object under the Pegasus, or whether it is a die flaw. It is also not clear whether the reverse is anepigraphic, or whether there is an inscription [K–E]–Λ on the left around the goat.


Kelenderis, Type 6.2a
Kelenderis, Type 6.2b
Kelenderis, Type 6.2c
Kelenderis, Type 6.2d
Kelenderis, Type 6.2e
Kelenderis, Type 6.2f
Kelenderis, Type 6.2g
Type 6.2
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Forepart of unbridled rearing Pegasus; dotted border.
Reverse: Kneeling male goat, head turned back; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KE
b. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KE–Λ (reversed and retrograde)
c. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to right; above goat and right next to goat, K-E (retrograde); in exergue, Δ (or A?)
d. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KEΛ; below goat, Δ
e. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KEΛ
f. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KE-Λ
g. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KE–Λ (reversed and retrograde)
References: a. Numismad.Com Marcin Surgiewicz-Śliwiński, Auction 6 (28–29 January 2023), Lot 680 (biddr.com URL)
b. SNG France 2, 102
c. BMC 21, p. 56, 33 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.22; Münzen & Medaillen GmbH, Auction 31 (23 October 2009), Lot 59 (acsearch.info URL)
d. SNG France 2, 91 = SNG Delep., 2845
e. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 15 (24 May 2020), Lot 438 (acsearch.info URL)
f. SNG France 2, 94; Forrer/Weber 3, 7527 = Weber 1896, p. 26, no. 53 (Λ off flan)
g. Imhoof-Blumer 1902, p. 454, 5 = Forrer/Weber 3, 7526; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 293 (19 December 2012), Lot 111 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Type 5.4 (obols, similar design)
Credit: a. Numismad.Com Marcin Surgiewicz-Śliwiński
b. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8501787z
c. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH
d. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8501787z
e. Nomos AG
f. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8532328v
g. Classical Numismatic Group


Kelenderis, Type 6.3
Type 6.3
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet, dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of Pegasus rearing to left within incuse square.
References: SNG France 2, 107 = SNG Delep., 2849; SNG von Aulock, 5614; The British Museum (London), museum number 1949,1202.5; Troxell & Kagan 1989, p. 277, 11
Connection: Type 5.6 (obols, similar design but Athena to left)
Credit: The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8501791v
Remark: It is possible that there is also a variant with the head of Athena oriented to the left, see the uncertain Type XH.1.


Kelenderis, Type 6.4
Type 6.4
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Gorgoneion facing.
Reverse: Forepart of Pegasus rearing to left within incuse square.
References: SNG France 2, 115; SNG Levante, 246 (attributed to an uncertain Cilician mint); Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 148 (20 September 2006), Lot 212 (acsearch.info URL), and Electronic Auction 174 (10 October 2007), Lot 54 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Type 5.7a (obols, similar design)
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 174 (see the reference above)


Kelenderis, Type 6.5
Type 6.5
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Gorgoneion facing.
Reverse: Forepart of a horse rearing to right within incuse square.
References: The Ed Snible Collection (Ex Harlan J. Berk Ltd., Inv. number cc76643, sold in 2012. Ex Superior Galleries LLC, 30 May 1995, Lot 7666, Lewis Egnew Collection).
Connection: Type 5.8 (obols, similar design)
Credit: Ed Snible (see the reference above)
Remark: For the attribution of this type to Kelenderis, see remark on Type 5.8.


Kelenderis, Type 6.6
Type 6.6
Denomination: AR Hemiobol
Obverse: Horse rearing to right on solid exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right, head turned back to left; above goat, KE.
References: Themis Numismatics, Auction 9 (11 April 2021), Lot 202 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Type 5.11f–g (obols, similar design)
Credit: Themis Numismatics (see the reference above)


16 July 2021 – 31 January 2025