

Kelenderis, Type 5.1
Type 5.1
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Forepart of Pegasus left; dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of goat kneeling to left within circular incuse.
References: Several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 230 (24 March 2010), Lot 116 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Type 4.1 (third staters, the same design)
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group (see the reference above)
Remark: The assignment to Kelenderis is based on the use of the forepart of Pegasus on later small denominations of Kelenderis and on the analogous reverse design of the staters of Group 1.


Kelenderis, Type 5.2a
Kelenderis, Type 5.2b
Kelenderis, Type 5.2c
Kelenderis, Type 5.2d
Kelenderis, Type 5.2e
Type 5.2
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Forepart of Pegasus rearing to left; dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of kneeling goat, head turned back; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: Pegasus unbridled;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KEΛ
b. obv.: Pegasus bridled;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KEΛ
c. obv.: Pegasus bridled;
rev.: goat to left; in right field, forked ivy branch
d. obv.: Pegasus unbridled; below Pegasus, ivy leaf with stem; missing dotted border (?)
rev.: goat to left; below goat, ivy leaf with stem
e. obv.: Pegasus bridled;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, ivy leaf with stem
References: a. SNG Copenhagen 33, 79 (letter K retrograde) and 93; Göktürk 2000, 6 (the abbreviated ethnic stated as K[E], but it cannot be ruled out that letters EΛ are off flan); several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 31 (3 May 2015), Lot 236 (acsearch.info URL)
b. Imhoof-Blumer 1902, p. 454, 3
c. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 73 (6 January 2019), Lot 219 (acsearch.info URL)
d. Astarte, Web Auction 4 (7 April 2024), Lot 100 (acsearch.info URL)
e. Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-08; Victoria Numismatics UG, Auction 5 (21 February 2023), Lot 189 (biddr.com URL)
Connection: Type 6.1 (hemiobols, similar design)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Numismatik Naumann
c. Numismatik Naumann
d. Astarte
e. P. Veselý
Remark: Göktürk dates this type to the period ca. 425-400 BC. The depiction of Pegasus on these coins indeed shows a strong resemblance to the early Type 5.1.


Kelenderis, Type 5.3a
Kelenderis, Type 5.3b
Kelenderis, Type 5.3c
Kelenderis, Type 5.3d
Type 5.3
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Forepart of rearing Pegasus; dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of kneeling goat, head turned back; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.: goat to right; around, K–E–Λ
b. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KE
c. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, K–E reversed and retrograde
d. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: goat to right; around, K–E–Λ
References: a. SNG France 2, 99 and 100; SNG von Aulock, 5636; Forrer/Weber 3, 7525; several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 126 (5 March 2023), Lot 456 (acsearch.info URL)
b. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 299 (27 March 2013), Lot 185 (acsearch.info URL)
c. American Numismatic Society, Identifier 1944.100.53192
d. Savoca Coins, 8th Blue Auction (14 July 2018), Lot 463 (acsearch.info URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Numismatik Naumann
b. Classical Numismatic Group
c. American Numismatic Society
d. Savoca Coins


Kelenderis, Type 5.4a
Kelenderis, Type 5.4b
Kelenderis, Type 5.4c
Kelenderis, Type 5.4d
Kelenderis, Type 5.4e
Type 5.4
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Forepart of rearing Pegasus; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right, head turned back to left; on some coins, solid exergual line; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: Pegasus to left;
rev.:above goat, KEΛ
b. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: above goat, KE
c. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: above goat, KE (reversed and retrograde)
d. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: above goat, KEΛ
e. obv.: Pegasus to right;
rev.: above goat, KE–Λ
References: a. BMC 21, p. 56, 29 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.21; SNG Copenhagen 33, 87; SNG France 2, 97 (= SNG Delep., 2843), 98 (= SNG Delep., 2844) and 101; Dewing, 2485, Plate 122; several specimens on the market, e.g. Papillon Numismatic, Auction 7 (10 June 2021), Lot 478 (acsearch.info URL)
b. SNG France 2, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89, 95 and 96; SNG Levante, 27; SNG von Aulock, 5635; Imhoof-Blumer 1902, p. 454, 4; several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 56 (9 May 2019), Lot 427 (acsearch.info URL)
c. SNG France 2, 92
d. BMC 21, p. 56, 28 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.20; SNG Copenhagen 33, 86 and 88; SNG France 2, 80, 85, 90 and 93; Forrer/Weber 3, 7523 = Weber 1896, p. 26, no. 52; SNG Berry 2, 1265; Dewing, 2484, Plate 122; several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 67 (6 February 2020), Lot 441 (acsearch.info URL)
e. BMC 21, p. 56, 30 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1898,0503.79; SNG Copenhagen 33, 85; SNG France 2, 86 (= SNG Delep., 2840), 87 and 88 (= SNG Delep., 2841); Göktürk 2000, 7; Forrer/Weber 3, 7524; several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 82 (20 May 2015), Lot 209 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Type 6.2 (hemiobols, similar design)
Credit (see the references above):
a. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8532332r (SNG France 2, 101)
b. Roma Numismatics Limited
c. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8532327f
d. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b85323261
e. Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG
Remark: Göktürk dates this type to the period ca. 425-400 BC.


Kelenderis, Type 5.5
Type 5.5
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Forepart of horse rearing to left; before horse, round shield; dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of goat kneeling to right, head turned back to left; above goat, boxed form of letter heta; all within circular incuse.
References: Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-01
Connection: Types 2.5 (staters, boxed form of heta) and 4.3 (third staters, round shield and boxed form of heta)
Credit: P. Veselý (see the reference above)
Remarks: (1)

Herodotus (The Histories, 7.91) mentions the round shields of the Cilicians:

The Cilicians furnished a hundred ships. They also wore on their heads their native helmets, carried bucklers of raw oxhide for shields, and were clad in woollen tunics; each had two javelins and a sword very close in style to the knives of Egypt.

Small round equestrian shields held by dismounting riders can be seen on nomoi of Tarentum: Vlasto, 297–312 (c. 430–380 BC), 389–395 (c. 380–345 BC), 428–442 and 497 (c. 380–345 BC), 698–703 (c. 302–231 BC).


The Bibliothèque Nationale de France lists another obol with a pellet before the horse head, which is uncertainly attributed to Kelenderis. See SNG France 2, 78; for detailed photos see Gallica, Identifier ark:/12148/btv1b113178762. This coin type is not included here because the depiction of the horse does not match the Kelenderis style and the reverse does not seem to depict a goat, but rather a ram.

The attribution of this coin is uncertain. The head of the horse on this coin stylistically corresponds to some obol issues of Thraco-Macedonian Tribes, see e.g. the collection of the American Numismatic Society, Identifier 1944.100.11961. Forepart of horse and kneeling ram is also depicted on a Macedonian diobol, see Identifier 1941.153.298. For pellets added on the obverse, see some issues of Maroneia, e.g. Identifier 1944.100.15713 and Identifier 1944.100.15714.

(3) The symbol on the reverse corresponds to the boxed form of the letter heta (the Greek form of the Phoenician letter heth). See Jeffery 1961, p. 28, and Table of Letters at the end of the appendix part of the book (without page numbers).


Kelenderis, Type 5.6
Type 5.6
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Athena left, wearing crested Attic helmet, dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of Pegasus rearing left within incuse square.
References: BMC 21, p. 53, 15 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.18; The British Museum (London), museum number 1979,0101.961; SNG France 2, 103, 104 (= SNG Delep., 2846), 105 (= SNG Delep., 2847) and 106 (= SNG Delep., 2848); SNG von Aulock, 5615; several specimens on the market, e.g. Heritage Auctions, Inc., Auction 231936 (5 September 2019), Lot 61085 (acsearch.info URL); Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-07
Connection: Type 6.3 (hemiobols, similar design but Athena to right)
Credit: Heritage Auctions, Inc. (see the reference above)
Remark: The dotted border on the obverse is visible, e.g., on the specimens SNG France 2, 105 and 106


Kelenderis, Type 5.7a
Kelenderis, Type 5.7b
Type 5.7
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Gorgoneion facing.
Reverse: Forepart of rearing Pegasus; dotted border within incuse square.
Variants: a. rev.: Pegasus to left
b. rev.: Pegasus to right
References: a. BMC 21, p. 53, 14 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0402.48; SNG France 2, 112 (= SNG Delep., 2853), 113 and 114 (= SNG Delep., 2854); Forrer/Weber 3, 7520 = Weber 1896, p. 27, no. 55; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XI (8 January 2008), Lot 279 (acsearch.info URL)
b. BMC 21, p. 53, 13 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.17; SNG von Aulock, 5616 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1979,0101.962; SNG Copenhagen 33, 80; SNG France 2, 108 (= SNG Delep., 2851), 109 (= SNG Delep., 2850), 110 (= SNG Delep., 2852) and 111; SNG Levante, 247 (attributed to an uncertain Cilician mint); Forrer/Weber 3, 7518 = Weber 1896, p. 27, no. 54, and 7519; several specimens on the market, e.g. Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd, Auction 34 (13 October 2003), Lot 169 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Type 6.4 (hemiobols, similar design)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Classical Numismatic Group
b. Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd


Kelenderis, Type 5.8
Type 5.8
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Gorgoneion facing; dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of a horse rearing to right within incuse square.
References: The British Museum (London), museum number 1971,0101.4; Forrer/Weber 3, 7521 = Weber 1896, p. 27, no. 56; SNG France 2, 463 (= SNG Delep., 2890), 464 (= SNG Delep., 2891) and 465 (= SNG Delep., 2894) (attributed to an uncertain Cilician mint); BMC 8, p. 123, no. 40 (attributed to Eretria on Euboia); several specimens on the market, e.g. Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc., Auction 112 (3 September 2019), Lot 1527 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Type 6.5 (hemiobols, similar design)
Credit: Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. (see the reference above)
Remark: There is no consensus on the assignment of this type to Kelenderis, see references above. The style of depiction of the gorgoneion and horse is not in itself an argument against assignment to Kelenderis, because there are various styles of gorgoneion depicted on Kelenderis silver fractions (Types 5.7, 5.13 and 5.14) and the horse’s forepart with a similar leg position is shown on Type 5.5. Therefore, this type is (for now) included here.


Kelenderis, Type 5.9
Type 5.9
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Head of Athena left, wearing crested Attic helmet, dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right, head turned back to left; above goat, KEΛ; all within circular incuse.
References: Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-13
Die links: Type 5.11h (reverse)
Credit: P. Veselý (see the reference above)


Kelenderis, Type 5.10a
Kelenderis, Type 5.10b
Kelenderis, Type 5.10c
Type 5.10
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Horse prancing to right; dotted border.
Reverse: Forepart of goat kneeling to right, head turned back to left; in left field, kerykeion.
Variants: a. obv.: horse bridled; solid exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KE
b. obv.: horse unbridled;
rev.: above goat, KE–Λ
c. obv.: horse bridled; solid exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KE–Λ
References: a. Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A., Auction 155 (16 June 2023), Lot 205 (acsearch.info URL)
b. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 9 (3 November 2013), Lot 286 (acsearch.info URL)
c. Imhoof-Blumer 1890, p. 182 (706), 556; several specimens on the market, e.g. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 5 (26 June 2016), Lot 405 (acsearch.info URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A.
b. Numismatik Naumann
c. Nomos AG


Kelenderis, Type 5.11a
Kelenderis, Type 5.11b
Kelenderis, Type 5.11c
Kelenderis, Type 5.11d
Kelenderis, Type 5.11e
Kelenderis, Type 5.11f
Kelenderis, Type 5.11g
Kelenderis, Type 5.11h
Kelenderis, Type 5.11i
Type 5.11
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Horse prancing to right; on some coins, solid exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Kneeling male goat, head turned back; on some coins, solid exergual line.
Variants: a. obv.: unbridled (?) horse to left on solid exergual line;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KE (reversed and retrograde).
b. obv.: unbridled horse to right;
rev.: goat to left; anepigraphic
c. obv.: unbridled horse to right; sometimes solid exergual line;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KE; sometimes solid exergual line
d. obv.: bridled horse to right on solid exergual line;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KEΛ
e. obv.: unbridled horse to right;
rev.: goat to right; anepigraphic
f. obv.: unbridled horse to right on solid exergual line;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KE
g. obv.: bridled horse to right on solid exergual line;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KE
h. obv.: unbridled horse to right on solid exergual line;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KEΛ
i. obv.: bridled horse to right on solid exergual line;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KEΛ
References: a. SNG Levante, 30 (see also Uncertain issues, Type X.3)
b. Münz Zentrum Rheinland, Auction 196 (21 September 2022), Lot 132 (acsearch.info URL)
c. without exergual lines: BMC 21, p. 57, 37 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1874,0716.91; SNG Berry 2, 1267 = American Numismatic Society, Identifier 1998.115.49; SNG von Aulock, 5643; Göktürk 2000, 8; Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 82 (20 May 2015), Lot 210 (acsearch.info URL);
exergual line on the reverse: BMC 21, p. 57, 36 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1896,0601.92; BMC 21, p. 57, 38 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1850,0412.11; SNG France 2, 116 and 117; Klein 1999, p. 78, no. 659;
exergual lines both on the obverse and the reverse: SNG Levante, 29; Numismatik Naumann, Auction 140 (5 May 2024), Lot 302 (acsearch.info URL)
d. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 170 (13 October 2008), Lot 1489 (acsearch.info URL)
e. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün e.K., Auction 77 (12 November 2019), Lot 39 (acsearch.info URL)
f. Göktürk 2000, 9; several specimens on the market, e.g. DEMOS Auctions, Auction 4 (26 September 2021), Lot 259 (acsearch.info URL)
g. SNG Copenhagen 33, 92; Numismatik Naumann, Auction 71 (4 November 2018), Lot 242 (acsearch.info URL)
h. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 50 (5 February 2017), Lot 266 (acsearch.info URL)
i. Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-03; several specimens on the market, e.g. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH, Auction 20 (10 October 2006), Lot 97 (acsearch.info URL)
Die links: Variants 5.11h — Type 5.9 (reverse)
Connections: 1. Type 6.6 (hemiobols, similar design)
2. Variant 5.11a – Uncertain issues, Type X.2 (possibly the same reverse die)
Credit (see the references above):
b. Münz Zentrum Rheinland
c. Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG
d. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung
e. Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün e.K.
f. DEMOS Auctions
g. Numismatik Naumann
h. Numismatik Naumann
i. P. Veselý


Kelenderis, Type 5.12a
Kelenderis, Type 5.12b
Type 5.12
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Bridled horse rearing to right; dotted border.
Reverse: Kneeling male goat, head turned back.
Variants: a. obv.: above horse, wreath;
rev.: goat to left; above goat, KE; below goat, EΠ monogram
b. obv.: above horse, Sun;
rev.: goat to right; above goat, KE; in right field, facing head of lion (?)
References: a. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Triskeles Auctions, Sale 17 (16 September 2016), Lot 184 (acsearch.info URL)
b. SNG von Aulock, 5642 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1979,0101.969; several specimens on the market, e.g. Savoca Coins, Live Online Auction 12 (22 January 2017), Lot 251 (acsearch.info URL)
Connection: Variant 5.12b – Type 3.16e (staters, Sun and probably the same symbol in the right field on the reverse)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Triskeles Auctions
b. Savoca Coins


Kelenderis, Type 5.13a
Kelenderis, Type 5.13b
Kelenderis, Type 5.13c
Type 5.13
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue.
Reverse: Astragalos; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: on some specimens, dotted border;
rev.: KE–Λ (the letter E retrograde)
b. rev.: KE and Δ
c. rev.: K–EΛ
References: a. BMC 21, p. 53, 16 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.19; SNG Levante Supp., 11 = Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 90 (26 May 2004), Lot 175 (acsearch.info URL) – dotted border on the obverse; Klein 1999, p. 78, no. 660; several other specimens on the market, e.g. Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 8 (29 June 2019), Lot 451 (acsearch.info URL)
b. SNG France 2, 79; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 174 (10 October 2007), Lot 53 (acsearch.info URL); Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-06
c. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 126 (5 March 2023), Lot 455 (acsearch.info URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Leu Numismatik
b. Classical Numismatic Group
c. Numismatik Naumann


Kelenderis, Type 5.14
Type 5.14
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Gorgoneion facing; dotted border.
Reverse: Astragalos; in left field, Sun; in right field, KE; line border.
References: Pompei Ancient Numismatic, Online Auction 2 (3 December 2021), Lot 165 (biddr URL); Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-11
Credit: Pompei Ancient Numismatic (see the reference above)
Remark: The weight of the Pompei Ancient Numismatic specimen is 0.34 g, which would indicate more like a hemiobol. However, according to the photo, part of the coin is apparently broken off. The weight of the specimen in P. Veselý’s collection is 0.54 g, which is closer to the weight of the obol.


16 July 2021 – 26 February 2025