Staters – Group 3

Horse right, goat left Horse right, goat right

Horse right, goat left


Kelenderis, Type 3.1a
Kelenderis, Type 3.1b
Kelenderis, Type 3.1c
Kelenderis, Type 3.1d
Kelenderis, Type 3.1e
Kelenderis, Type 3.1f
Type 3.1
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on solid or dotted exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to left, head turned back to right; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. obv.: on some coins, solid exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛ
b. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛ; in left field, Π (placed horizontally)
c. rev.: above goat, KEΛ; in left field, Π (placed vertically)
d. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛE and ivy leaf; in left field, Π (placed vertically)
e. rev.: above goat, KEΛE and ivy leaf; in left field, Π (placed vertically); in exergue, K
f. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN
References: a. BMC 21, p. 55, 25 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1897,0305.67; Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd, Auction 126 (23 March 2021), Lot 2702 ( URL)
b. BMC 21, p. 55, 26 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1897,0104.365
c. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 485 (10 February 2021), Lot 161 ( URL)
d. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXVI (10 January 2023), Lot 300 ( URL)
e. Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 123 (23 May 2023), Lot 170 ( URL)
f. SNG France 2, 75; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXVI (10 January 2023), Lot 301 ( URL); Hess Divo AG, Auction 332 (31 May 2017), Lot 56 ( URL); Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger, Auction 289 (2 May 2013), Lot 289 ( URL)
Die links: (1) The variants 3.1d–e share the same obverse and reverse dies except for the letter K which was added to the exergue of the variant 3.1e.
(2) Variants 3.1d–e — Type 3.8a–b (obverse).
Credit (see the references above):
a. Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd
b. The British Museum
c. Classical Numismatic Group
d. Classical Numismatic Group
e. Classical Numismatic Group
f. Classical Numismatic Group


Kelenderis, Type 3.2a
Kelenderis, Type 3.2b
Kelenderis, Type 3.2c
Type 3.2
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on solid exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to left, head turned back to right; in various positions, KEΛE / N; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: above goat and next to his rump, KEΛE / N
b. rev.: above goat and next to his rump, KEΛE / N; in exergue, T
c. rev.: above goat and between his hind legs, KEΛE / N; in exergue, T
References: a. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Stack’s Bowers Galleries, February 2023 Collector’s Choice (World) Online Auction (27 February 2023), Lot 71050 ( URL); Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 28 (9–14 December 2023), Lot 1509 ( URL)
b. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Heritage Auctions, Inc., Auction 61309 (12 February 2023), Lot 21036 ( URL)
c. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 312 (8 October 2018), Lot 2507 ( URL)
Die links: Most specimens of all three variants share the same obverse die. However, this is not a rule, see the second cited specimen of variant 3.2a (Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 28).
Credit (see the references above):
a. Stack’s Bowers Galleries
b. Heritage Auctions, Inc.
c. Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG


Kelenderis, Type 3.3
Type 3.3
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on solid exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to left on dotted exergual line, head turned back to right; to left of goat and above and behind it, KE–ΛE–N; above goat’s head, Δ in circle
References: Imhoof-Blumer 1902, p. 453, 1


Kelenderis, Type 3.4a
Kelenderis, Type 3.4b
Type 3.4
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to left, head turned back to right; above goat, KE.
Variants: a. rev.: goat kneeling on dotted exergual line
b. rev.: goat kneeling on solid exergual line
References: a. Leipziger Münzhandlung und Auktion Heidrun Höhn e. K., Auction 92 (30 October 2019), Lot 1111 ( URL); Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 382 (7 September 2016), Lot 118 ( URL)
b. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 13 (2 July 2019), Lot 395 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Leipziger Münzhandlung und Auktion Heidrun Höhn e. K.
b. Nomos AG
Remark: This type appears to be similar to 3.1, but the slender goat on the reverse corresponds more to Types 3.5 and 3.6. The most interesting, however, is the abbreviated city ethnic KE, which does not appear on any other type of staters or on third staters.


Kelenderis, Type 3.5a
Kelenderis, Type 3.5b
Kelenderis, Type 3.5c
Kelenderis, Type 3.5d
Type 3.5
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to left on dotted exergual line, head turned back to right; above goat, KEΛ; dotted border.
Variants: a. no additional symbol
b. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: below goat, O
c. obv.: horse decorated with ornamental collar;
rev.: below goat, O; in exergue, E
d. obv.: horse decorated with ornamental collar;
rev.: below goat, O; in exergue, ΗΛ monogram
References: a. Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, E-Auction 3 (9 July 2016), Lot 69 ( URL)
b. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Leu Numismatik, Auction 6 (23 October 2020), Lot 242 ( URL)
c. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, Auction 428 (28 April 2021), Lot 335 ( URL)
d. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Gemini, LLC, Auction II (11 January 2006), Lot 126 ( URL)
Die links: The variants 3.5b–d were struck from the same reverse die with only the control mark in the exergue added and changed.
Credit (see the references above):
a. Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger
b. Leu Numismatik
c. Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger
d. Gemini, LLC


Kelenderis, Type 3.6a
Kelenderis, Type 3.6b
Type 3.6
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider sitting astride a horse, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, slightly turned to the right and leaning on horse’s rump with right hand, as he is about to dismount his horse rearing to right; above horse, Sun; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to left on exergual line, head turned back to right; dotted border.
Variants: a. rev.: above goat, KEΛE (the second letter E added to the die additionally); solid exergual line; controls in right field and in exergue erased
b. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; dotted exergual line; in exergue, A
References: a. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 264 (21 September 2011), Lot 71 ( URL)
b. SNG France 2, 76
Die links: Type 3.17 (obverse)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Classical Numismatic Group
b. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8532321z
Remark: On this coin type, the rider is not depicted with both legs on one side of the horse, but still sitting astride the horse and apparently about to dismount.


Horse right, goat right


Kelenderis, Type 3.7a
Kelenderis, Type 3.7b
Kelenderis, Type 3.7c
3.7d, vertical letter N
Kelenderis, Type 3.7d-1
3.7d, horizontal letter N
Kelenderis, Type 3.7d-2
Kelenderis, Type 3.7e
Kelenderis, Type 3.7f
Type 3.7
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on solid or dotted exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on solid or dotted exergual line, head turned back to left; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: above goat, KEΛ
b. rev.: above goat, blundered ethnic KENΛ (the letter N retrograde)
c. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN
d. rev.: above goat, KEΛE–N (letter N placed vertically or horizontally)
e. rev.: above goat and on the right, KEΛ–EN
f. rev.: above goat and on the right, KE–ΛEN
References: a. Kraay 1962, Series IV, 23 = SNG von Aulock, 5630; SNG Fitzwilliam 4.7, 5238; SNG Copenhagen 33, 81; SNG France 2, 67; SNG Delep., 2834; Dewing, 2483, Plate 122; several specimens on the market, e.g. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 257 (15 October 2018), Lot 505 ( URL)
b. The British Museum (London), museum number 1922,0425.69 = Forrer/Weber 3, 7514
c. SNG Fitzwilliam 4.7, 5239; SNG France 2, 69 and 70; BMC 21, p. 54, 20 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1899,0103.16; several specimens on the market, e.g. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 71 (4 November 2018), Lot 241 ( URL)
d. vertical letter N: Kraay 1962, Series IV, 24; SNG Berry 2, 1263; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 539 (31 May 2023), Lot 231 ( URL);
horizontal letter N: The J. Paul Getty Museum, Villa Collection, Malibu, California, USA (provenance: donated to The J. Paul Getty Museum in 1980 by Lily Tomlin, Santa Monica, California, USA), Object Number 80.NH.152.81 (Getty’s Collection Online URL)
e. several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 52 (10 January 2019), Lot 326 ( URL); Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 531 (25 January 2023), Lot 262 ( URL)
f. BMC 21, p. 55, 23 = The British Museum (London), museum number RPK,p114B.3.Cel
Die links: Variant 3.7c — Type 3.11 (obverse)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung
b. The British Museum
c. Numismatik Naumann
d. Classical Numismatic Group and The J. Paul Getty Museum
e. Roma Numismatics Limited
f. The British Museum


Kelenderis, Type 3.8a
Kelenderis, Type 3.8b
Kelenderis, Type 3.8c
Kelenderis, Type 3.8d
Kelenderis, Type 3.8e
Kelenderis, Type 3.8f
Kelenderis, Type 3.8g
Kelenderis, Type 3.8h
Kelenderis, Type 3.8i
Kelenderis, Type 3.8j
Kelenderis, Type 3.8k
Type 3.8
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on dotted or solid exergual line, head turned back to left; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: above goat, KEΛE; below ethnic, Σ; in exergue, K (?)
b. rev.: above goat and on the right, KEΛE–N; below ethnic, control mark (monogram KA, where the letter A is placed horizontally)
c. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in exergue, Δ
d. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛ–EN (?); in exergue, Δ (?)
e. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in exergue, ΔI mongogram
f. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in exergue, T
g. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat, KEΛEN curving along edge; below goat, T
h. obv.: dotted exergual line;
rev.: above goat and on the right, KEΛE–N (the letter placed N horizontally); in exergue, T
i. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in exergue, TΛ
j. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in right field, ΙΔ monogram in circle
k. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN reversed and retrograde; in right field, ΙΔ monogram in circle; in exergue, T
References: a. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 245 (7 March 2017), Lot 1341 ( URL); Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-04
b. SNG France 2, 73; several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 22 (7 October 2021), Lot 371 ( URL)
c. SNG France 2, 68; Numismatik Naumann, Auction 92 (2 August 2020), Lot 328 ( URL)
d. Forrer/Weber 3, 7515
e. Imhoof-Blumer 1902, p. 454, 2a; several specimens on the market, e.g. Münz Zentrum Rheinland, Auction 195 (16 March 2022), Lot 119 ( URL)
f. BMC 21, p. 55, 21 = The British Museum (London), museum number TC,p186.3.Cel
g. Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 4 (30 September 2012), Lot 400 ( URL)
h. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 273 (19 November 2020), Lot 236 ( URL)
i. SNG France 2, 71; SNG Levante Supp., 10; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 563 (5 June 2024), Lot 251 ( URL)
j. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 185 (8 March 2010), Lot 170 ( URL); Emporium Hamburg, Auction 67 (10 May 2012), Lot 141 ( URL)
k. Numismatik Naumann, Auction 133 (1 October 2023), Lot 303 ( URL); Shanna Schmidt Numismatics Inc, Fixed Price List (accessed 2 October 2023)
Die links: (1) Variants 3.8a–b — Type 3.1d–e (obverse).
(2) Variants 3.8j–k (obverse).
Credit (see the references above):
a. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung
b. Roma Numismatics Limited
c. Numismatik Naumann
e. Münz Zentrum Rheinland
f. The British Museum
g. Roma Numismatics Limited
h. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung
i. Classical Numismatic Group
j. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung
k. Numismatik Naumann
Remarks: (1) The inclusion of variant 3.8d in this type is uncertain. The legend is read as KE–ΛE/N–ΔE (ΛE in ligature, the last letter E retrograde) in Forrer/Weber 3, but this seems unlikely.
(2) On some coins, the horse has a prominent plume on its head, see e.g. the illustrated specimen of variant 3.8i. On coins of variants 3.8h, j and k, the horse’s mane is combed upwards on its head (Casabonne 2004, p. 117, describes this as “le toupet coiffé en houppe”).


Kelenderis, Type 3.9a
Kelenderis, Type 3.9b
Kelenderis, Type 3.9c
Kelenderis, Type 3.9d
Kelenderis, Type 3.9e
Kelenderis, Type 3.9f
Type 3.9
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right (whip thong forms a loop), dismounting from horse rearing to right; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right, head turned back to left; all within circular incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: above goat, KEΛE; dotted exergual line
b. rev.: above goat, KEΛE–N; dotted exergual line
c. rev.: above goat, KEΛE–N; in exergue, M; solid exergual line
d. rev.: above goat, KEΛE–N and ivy branch
e. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; dotted exergual line
f. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN and ΘA monogram (A within Θ); dotted exergual line
References: a. Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 29 (24 February 2024), Lot 883 ( URL)
b. Coll. P. Veselý, KEL-AR-10; Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 22 (7 October 2021), Lot 374 ( URL)
c. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXV (11 January 2022), Lot 6122 ( URL); Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 123 (23 May 2023), Lot 171 ( URL)
d. SNG Levante, 24; The British Museum (London), museum number 1988,0911.3; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXVI (10 January 2023), Lot 302 ( URL); Münzen & Medaillen GmbH, Auction 15 (21 October 2004), Lot 958 ( URL)
e. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 531 (25 January 2023), Lot 258 ( URL)
f. Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction XXIII (24 March 2022), Lot 325 ( URL); Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 19 (26 February 2022), Lot 1492 ( URL)
Die links: (1) All specimens struck from the same obverse die.
(2) Variant 3.9f — Type 3.12b (reverse)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Leu Numismatik
b. Coll. P. Veselý
c. Classical Numismatic Group
d. Classical Numismatic Group
e. Classical Numismatic Group
f. Roma Numismatics Limited


Kelenderis, Type 3.10
Type 3.10
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on dotted exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on dotted exergual line, head turned back to left; above goat, KEΛEN; in exergue, dolphin right; all within circular incuse.
References: Kraay 1962, Series IV, 25; SNG Copenhagen 33, 83; SNG Levante, 23 = SNG von Aulock, 5631; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 118 (13 September 2021), Lot 318 ( URL)
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group (see the reference above)


Kelenderis, Type 3.11
Type 3.11
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on solid exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on solid exergual line, head turned back to left; above goat, KEΛEN; below goat, olive sprig; all within circular incuse.
References: BMC 21, p. 55, 24 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1863,0706.20; Forrer/Weber 3, 7512; SNG Copenhagen 33, 84; several specimens on the market, e.g. Hess Divo AG, Auction 335 (6 December 2018), Lot 51 ( URL)
Die links: Type 3.7c (obverse)
Credit: Hess Divo AG (see the reference above)


Kelenderis, Type 3.12a
Kelenderis, Type 3.12b
Type 3.12
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right; below horse, T; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on dotted (rarely solid) exergual line, head turned back to left; above goat, KEΛEN.
Variants: a. rev.: no control mark
b. rev.: above goat, OA monogram (A within O, dot within A)
References: a. Comparette 1921, 302 (solid exergual line); several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXVI (10 January 2023), Lot 306 ( URL); Heritage Auctions, Inc., Auction 3101 (25 August 2022), Lot 35134 ( URL)
b. BMC 21, p. 55, 22 = The British Museum (London), museum number EH,p615.3.Cel; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton X (9 January 2007), Lot 375 ( URL); Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXVI (10 January 2023), Lot 305 ( URL)
Die links: (1) Variant 3.12b — Type 3.9f (reverse)
(2) The example of variant 3.12a shown above (Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XXVI) is obverse die-linked with the coin in Comparette 1921. However, the reverse of Comparette’s coin has a solid exergual line and the city ethnic is curved along the edge.
(3) The examples of variants 3.12a–b shown above are obverse and reverse die-linked, but the variant 3.12b has the added monogram on the reverse. In addition to the monogram, the reverses of these two coins differ in various small details indicating the modification of the reverse die. The monogram may have been added to the reverse die later, or it may have been erased from it.
Credit (see the references above):
a. Classical Numismatic Group
b. Classical Numismatic Group (Triton X)
Remark: On this type of staters, the reins are attached to the bit using a remarkable triangular device. A similar triangular section is shown on some Thessalian coins from the 5th century BC, and the reins with this device were used here in bull hunting. The purpose of this section is unknown, it may have served as a safety mechanism. For details, see Mack 2025 (Forthcoming).


Kelenderis, Type 3.13a
Kelenderis, Type 3.13b
Kelenderis, Type 3.13c
Kelenderis, Type 3.13d
Type 3.13
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on dotted exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right, head turned back to left; all within square incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: around goat (top, right, bottom and left), KEΛE–NΔ–EPITIKO–N (= KEΛENΔEPITIKON reading clockwise, the penultimate part written retrograde); dotted exergual line
b. rev.: around goat (top, right, bottom and left), KEΛEN–ΔE–PITIKO–N (= KEΛENΔEPITIKON reading clockwise, the penultimate part written retrograde); dotted exergual line
c. rev.: above and below goat, KEΛEN–ΔEPITIKON (the second part written upside down)
d. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; dotted exergual line
References: a. SNG France 2, 77; The British Museum (London), museum number 1906,0402.10; Weber 1896, p. 26, no. 51 = Forrer/Weber 3, 7516 = Imhoof-Blumer 1902, p. 453, 2.1; The National Museum (Prague, Czech Republic), museum number H5-251.889; several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 2 (2 October 2011), Lot 324 ( URL)
b. Imhoof-Blumer 1902, p. 453, 2.2
c. Cayón Subastas, Subasta extraordinaria Noviembre 2013 (30 November 2013), Lot 357 ( URL)
d. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, Auction 376 (29 October 2003), Lot 484 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Roma Numismatics Limited
c. Cayón Subastas
d. Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger
Remarks: (1) The first specimen of variant 3.13a was probably published by Weber 1896 (p. 26, no. 51). However, Weber did not read the inscription clockwise and he read the letter N behind the goat as IN, and therefore interpreted the text OKITIPE in the exergue as the name of an unknown tyrant or magistrate, which made him slightly doubt the authenticity of the coin. Based on next specimens, Imhoof-Blumer 1902 (pp. 453–4) dispelled doubts about the authenticity and correctly identified the entire inscription as a partly retrograde form of the city ethnic.
(2) Variant 3.13d was included in this type on the basis of incuse square on the reverse.


Kelenderis, Type 3.14a
Kelenderis, Type 3.14b
Type 3.14
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on dotted exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on dotted or solid exergual line, head turned back to left; dotted border.
Variants: a. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN
b. rev.: above goat and on the right, KEΛE–N
References: a. SNG Levante, 26 = SNG von Aulock, 5638; The British Museum (London), museum number 1988,0911.4; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XX (10 January 2017), Lot 323 ( URL)
b. SNG von Aulock, 5637; several specimens on the market, e.g. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 273 (19 November 2020), Lot 235 ( URL)
Die links: The illustrated specimens are struck from the same obverse die.
Credit (see the references above):
a. Classical Numismatic Group
b. Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung


Kelenderis, Type 3.15a
Kelenderis, Type 3.15b
Kelenderis, Type 3.15c
Kelenderis, Type 3.15d
Kelenderis, Type 3.15e
Type 3.15
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on dotted exergual line; below horse, control mark; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on solid exergual line, head turned back to left; above goat, KEΛEN.
Variants: a. obv.: Φ;
rev.: below goat, O
b. obv.: MYT (or HY) monogram;
rev.: below goat, ΩM monogram
c. obv.: MYT (or HY) monogram;
rev.: below goat, ΩM monogram (half-erased from the die), and another monogram in exergue
d. obv.: erased MYT (or HY) monogram;
rev.: below goat, O; in exergue, kerykeion to left; dotted border
e. obv.: MYT (or HY) monogram;
rev.: above goat, 𐤆Σ (?) monogram; city ethnic KEΛEN missing or erased or off flan (?)
References: a. SNG Copenhagen 33, 90; Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 9 (22 March 2015), Lot 394 ( URL)
b. SNG France 2, 72
c. The New York Sale, Auction 27 (4 January 2012), Lot 582 ( URL)
d. SNG Berry 2, 1264
e. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Villa Collection, Malibu, California, USA (provenance: donated to The J. Paul Getty Museum in 1980 by Lily Tomlin, Santa Monica, California, USA), Object Number 80.NH.152.82 (Getty’s Collection Online URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Roma Numismatics Limited
b. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b8532319w
c. The New York Sale
e. The J. Paul Getty Museum
Remark: The cited specimens of variants b–e share the same obverse die.


Kelenderis, Type 3.16a
Kelenderis, Type 3.16b
Kelenderis, Type 3.16c
Type 3.16
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right on dotted exergual line; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on dotted exergual line, head turned back to left; dotted border.
Variants: a. rev.: above goat, KEΛE (the second letter E retrograde)
b. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN
c. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in exergue, OΛ monogram
References: a. SNG Copenhagen 33, 82; CGB Numismatics Paris, Internet Auction January 2023 (24 January 2023), Lot 796135 ( URL)
b. Astarte, Web Auction 5 (12 May 2024), Lot 101 ( URL)
c. SNG von Aulock, 5639; BMC 21, p. 56, 34; BMC 21, p. 56, 35 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1841,B.3258; Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XVI (8 January 2013), Lot 522 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. CGB Numismatics Paris
b. Astarte
c. Classical Numismatic Group
Remark: The cited specimens of variants b and c share the same obverse die.


Kelenderis, Type 3.17a
Kelenderis, Type 3.17b
Kelenderis, Type 3.17c
Kelenderis, Type 3.17d
Kelenderis, Type 3.17e
Type 3.17
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider sitting astride a horse, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, slightly turned to the right and leaning on horse’s rump with right hand, as he is about to dismount his horse rearing to right; above horse, Sun; dotted border.
Reverse: Male goat kneeling to right on dotted exergual line, head turned back to left; dotted border.
Variants: a. obv.: below horse, EP;
rev.: above goat, KEΛE; in right field, facing head of lion
b. obv.: below horse, EP;
rev.: above goat, KEΛE; in right field, facing head of lion; in exergue, Θ
c. obv.: below horse, EP;
rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in right field, facing head of lion; in exergue, HYΘ monogram
d. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; below goat, EΞH monogram
e. rev.: above goat, KEΛEN; in exergue, Σ; in right field, facing head of lion (?)
References: a. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH, Auction 49 (20 November 2020), Lot 224 ( URL)
b. Nomos AG, Obolos Web Auction 5 (26 June 2016), Lot 402 ( URL)
c. SNG von Aulock, 5640
d. SNG Copenhagen 33, 91; Numismatik Naumann, Auction 76 (7 April 2019), Lot 174 ( URL)
e. SNG von Aulock, 5641 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1979,0101.968
Die links: Type 3.6 (obverse)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH
b. Nomos AG
d. Numismatik Naumann
e. The British Museum
Remark: On this coin type, the rider is not depicted with both legs on one side of the horse, but still sitting astride the horse and apparently about to dismount.


16 July 2021 – 17 February 2025