
Basic information Coinage in the Classical Period

Ancient Greek name: Ἀνεμούριον 1
Latinized name: Anemurium


Basic information

Anemourion was situated near a steep promontory that marks the southernmost point of Asia Minor (Cape Anamur), only 64 km from Cyprus, close to the present-day city of Anamur in Mersin Province, Turkey. The city consisted of a citadel on the promontory and a lower city just north of it.2 The ancient road along the coast of Rough Cilicia passed here.

The date of foundation of Anemourion is unknown. Its existence in the first quarter of the 4th century BC is attested by two silver staters.3 The earliest written record of the city appears in the list of coastal stations of the Mediterranean by Pseudo-Skylax from around 330 BC.4

Coinage was resumed in the middle of the 1st century AD under Antiochos IV of Commagene and continued until the third year of the reign of Emperor Valerian (256 AD).5 The Romans were succeeded by the Byzantines. In the middle of the 7th century, the city was abandoned for several centuries, probably as a result of the Arab occupation of Cyprus. Sometime in the 12th century the site was partially reoccupied and the citadel rebuilt as a stronghold of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. Evidence of a subsequent Seljuk or Ottoman presence is lacking.6


Coinage in the Classical Period

Silver denominations: Staters (Persian weight standard).
Bronze denominations: Not known.
City ethnic on coins: ANEMOPIEΩN = “(coin) of the people of Anemourion”.
Further information: Coin Catalogue / Anemourion


1The Greek word ἀνεμούριον means ‘windmill’.

2The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites: Anemurium.

3Russell et Weir 2000, pp. 114–117 and 119–120.

4Pseudo-Skylax, Periplous, 102.

5For example, SNG Levante 483–522, SNG Levante Supp. 99–122, SNG France 2 692–720, and BMC 21, pp. 41–43.

6The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites: Anemurium.


14 July 2021 – 13 August 2024