


This website is primarily dedicated to the study of the pre-Hellenistic coinage of Cilicia Trachea (Rough Cilicia). The main goals of this study are the mapping of coin types and their variants, the statistical weight analyses of these types and their placement in the context of the development of pre-Hellenistic weight standards in Cilicia and the surrounding areas, the determination of the relative and absolute chronology of these coins, the gathering of information on published coin hoards, and the placement of this coinage into a wider cultural and historical context based on these analyses. Much work remains to be done to accomplish these goals. Information is added gradually as time permits.

The footer of each page lists its publication date and, if it has been updated since then, the date of the last update.

Discussions and new information on this topic are welcome, as well as reasoned criticism and comments. I respond to all emails. If you do not receive my reply, there was probably a technical error, and your email did not reach my mailbox.

Contact: Petr Veselý, Info@DismountingRider.info

My numismatic publications

Catharine C. Lorber, Arthur Houghton and Petr Veselý (2006). Cappadocian Tetradrachms in the Name of Antiochus VII. The Numismatic Chronicle, Vol.166: 49–97.
Oliver D. Hoover, Arthur Houghton and Petr Veselý (2008). The Silver Mint of Damascus under Demetrius III and Antiochus XII (97/6 BC–83/2 BC). American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 20: 305–336.
Petr Veselý (2023). Sesedající jezdci na antických řeckých mincích. In Michal Lutovský and Michal Mašek (eds.), Blaženost věků aneb Felicitas saeculi. Prague, NLN – Nakladatelství Lidové noviny: 234–239.
Petr Veselý (2023). The Dismounting Horseman Scene on Cilician Coins. KOINON VI: 20–49.
Jiří Militký, Petr Veselý and Lenka Vacinová (2023). Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Czech Republic, Volume I, Part 7: Seleucid Empire and Imitations, Syria, Phoenicia, Judaea, Mesopotamia, Commagene, Armenia and Arabia. Prague: The National Museum.