Third staters

Nagidos, Type 4.1
Type 4.1
Denomination: AR Third Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on the back of the chair; behind her and somewhat elevated, crouching Eros with clasped hands; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding bunch of grapes in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in right field, NAΓIΔ; in upper left field, O.
References: Lederer 1931, 29A; SNG France 2, 27; BMC 21, p. 112, 14 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1893,1004.26; Numismatik Naumann, Auction 98 (3 January 2021), Lot 404 ( URL)
Credit: Numismatik Naumann (see the reference above)


Nagidos, Type 4.2
Type 4.2
Denomination: AR Third Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on the back of the chair; to right, Eros standing left, his right arm extended to Aphrodite; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding in extended right hand a vine upon which two grape bunches hang, thyrsos in left; in left field, NAΓI, and in right field, ΔIKON.
References: Several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 456 (13 November 2019), Lot 185 ( URL)
Connection: Type 2.6b (stater, very similar design of the obverse and reverse)
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group (see the reference above)


16 January 2022 – 7 August 2024