
Mapping on Nagidos coins Fourrées types

Mapping on Nagidos coins

Fourrée type Nagidos prototype
obverse reverse
F.1 3.2d var. 3.2d var.
F.2 3.4 or 3.5 3.4 or 3.5
F.3 3.6d 3.6d

Fourrées types


Nagidos, Type F.1
Type F.1
Denomination: Fourrée Stater
Weight: 8.74 g
Diameter: 24 mm
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, hair bound in sphendone, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on the back of the chair; to left, Eros flying to right, bearing an olive wreath to crown Aphrodite; below throne, mouse; in exergue, Ω; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding grape bunch on vine in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in upper left field, monogram; below monogram, O (?); in lower left field, Λ; in right field, NAΓIΔE[ΩN].
Reference: Concordia Numismatic, Auction 10 (25 November 2023), Lot 327 ( URL);
Ex Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 110 (3 August 2023), Lot 534 ( URL);
Ex Roma Numismatics Limited, E-Sale 7 (26 April 2014), Lot 769 ( URL).
Credit: Roma Numismatics Limited (see the reference above)
Remark: The shape of the monogram on the reverse, the hair of Aphrodite bound in sphendone and the absence of the rose bush on the obverse correspond to Type 3.2d. However, in the lower left field of the reverse there is only the letter Λ instead of ΓΛ, and below the monogram there appears to be the letter O. The prototype could therefore have been an as yet unknown variant of Type 3.2, or the forger mistakenly changed the design of the reverse die.


Nagidos, Type F.2
Type F.2
Denomination: Fourrée Stater
Weight: 8.1 g
Diameter: 24 mm
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, wearing polos, hair falling in curls, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on the back of the chair; to left, Eros flying to right, bearing an olive wreath to crown Aphrodite; below throne, mouse; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding grape bunch on vine in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in left field, illegible control marks; in right field, NAΓIΔ[IK]ON; dotted border.
Reference: Aristos Ancients – eBay seller (location: USA, eBay name: xago, eBay member since: 13 May 2000), eBay auction accessed 23 September 2023.
Credit: Aristos Ancients (see the reference above)
Remark: The city ethnic on the reverse is not entirely legible, but the initial letters NAΓIΔ and the final letters ON can be distinguished, and therefore the ethnic is NAΓIΔIKON. This fact and the absence of the rose on the obverse narrow the possible prototypes to Types 3.4 and 3.5.


Nagidos, Type F.3
Type F.3
Denomination: Fourrée Stater
Weight: 8.1 g
Diameter: 24 mm
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, wearing polos, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on the back of the chair; to left, Eros flying to right, bearing an olive wreath to crown Aphrodite; in lower left field, rose bush with a flower and one bud each on the left and right; below throne, mouse; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding grape bunch on vine in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in upper left field, EY; in lower left field, AΘ; in right field, NAΓIΔIKON; dotted border.
Reference: Biga Numismatics, Online Auction 31 (11 May 2024), Lot 347 ( URL).
Credit: Biga Numismatics (see the reference above)
Remark: The prototype is Type 3.6d. The only thing that cannot be clearly identified on the coin is the second letter in the lower left field on the reverse, which can be both Θ and O.


25 May 2024 – 26 May 2024